Somebody once told me "Friends are the family that you choose".
Until then, I hadn't really thought about it too much, but I guess that it makes perfect sense! These are the people that you choose to trust in, rely on and share your ups and downs with.
So, when Louise got in touch a few weeks ago with thoughts of an autumnal shoot with her friends Christina and Agata, it sounded like a great idea and we headed off on a fresh and blustery walk around Bradgate Park in the Leicestershire countryside.
"There certainly are some ups here" I thought to myself as we rambled up to the top of Old John (the local name for the highest hill in the park). But I wasn't just thinking literally. We had so much fun on the shoot and it was such a pleasure to photograph such a great group of friends.

Thank you for a lovely day Louise, Christina and Agata!