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Doddington Hall Wedding Photography Gold

When in Lincolnshire for a wedding, go to Doddington Hall - preferably with Bennett and Sophie.

Ok, other venues are available, and potentially other couples, but this was a good one! Think prehistorically good. Dinosaur wedding good.

It all started with a Zoom call where we decided that they were nice enough people and we agreed to be involved in their wedding. They twisted our arms. Then, we met them in their home town of Lincoln for a coffee and a little pre-wedding photo shoot. Here's one of our favourite snaps:

A few weeks later, their wedding day and a bit wedding photography at Doddington Hall. Doddington Hall's very own wedding page of their website says it "is renowned for being one of the most perfect wedding venues in Lincolnshire; romantic, beautiful and extremely flexible." We'd agree.

One thing to note about these environmental experts is their love for dinosaurs. You might spot one or two throughout the photo gallery below. Count them and win a prize!! Pride.

I'm sure all wedding photographers say this - and we do too - but these guys were so much fun! I mean SO much fun! Which makes our job as easy as pie. Just look at those happy faces.

Before the all-important Doddington Hall wedding photo gallery featuring Sophie and Bennett, here's who was involved:

The wedding dream team

Band / DJ: The New York Royals

Harpist: Ruth Lee

Sophie and Bennett

Thank you for reading.

Much love,

Phil (and Al)

Your very best Midlands wedding photography team. Apparently.

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